Customers of Crush Disposal have the right to cancel services at any time. Please note that Crush Disposal will not issue refunds for services not rendered before the end of the quarter. If a customer cancels prior to the end of a current quarter that is already paid in full, a refund will not be issued. Crush Disposal will continue to offer services paid by each customer for the period paid in advance. Crush Disposal invoices customers prior to each new quarter. Every customer of Crush Disposal will pay for each quarter in advance and billing is sent out thirty (30) days prior to each new billing cycle. If cancellation is desired by a customer of Crush Disposal a twenty (20) day notice is required in writing or via e-mail to Crush Disposal during each new billing cycle and or PRIOR to the current quarters ending period. 


Crush Disposal customers are required to place their waste containers out before 6:30 am or the night before their scheduled pick up day.  If the customer fails to place their waste and recycle out in a timely manner our drivers will continue to the next customer on the route and place a "not out" on the route sheet designated for that day of pick up.  If a "not out" is stated by the driver, the customer will be required to wait until their next scheduled pick up day the following week.  No courtesy pick up will be offered. 

Our drivers work diligently to ensure all customers are picked up each week.  However, if our drivers make a mistake and miss the customer, we will work hard to ensure that our customers are picked up within the week of their missed pick up or the as soon as possible at the beginning of the following week depending on their scheduled day of pick up. 


Quarterly invoices for the upcoming billing cycle are sent thirty (30) days in advance prior to the next quarter's start date.  We do this to give customers ample time to pay their bill. If a customer fails to pay the invoice by the due date, services will be suspended until the quarterly dues are paid in full.  There is no grace period.

New customers with Crush Disposal starting during a current billing cycle will be required to pay for services by their assigned start date.  If the customer fails to pay the invoice by the due date stated on the invoice, Crush Disposal will suspend services until the invoice is paid in full. 

All Crush Disposal Customers who are placed on a "suspended" status due to nonpayment must pay their invoice a minimum of 24 hours before their next pick-up day to ensure they are added back into the route. Any payments received after the office closes will not be applied until the following business day, and customers will have to wait until the following week for pick up. No courtesy pick-up will occur for customers who are past due.

*Please note that Crush Disposal will not credit for missed weeks of service due to nonpayment.

*After 4 weeks of non-payment, the past-due customer will be deactivated from the system.

*If a customer wishes to restore service and reactivate the account, a $25 reactivation fee will be applied.  The entire past due amount and the $25 reactivation fee will be required to be paid in full.     

*DISCLAIMER - Crush Disposal reserves the right to refuse/decline service to anyone for any reason.